Article name The Stages of Studying the Stone Age of the Trans-Baikal Region: the Past and the Present
Authors Moroz P.V.Candidate of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Moroz P. V. The Stages of Studying the Stone Age of the Trans-Baikal Region: the Past and the Present // Humanitarian Vector. Series History. Political Science. 2016. Vol. 11, No 4. P. С. 117–123. DOI: 10.21209/2307-1842-2016-11-4-117-123
DOI 10.21209/2307-1842-2016-11-4-117-123
UDK 902 (571.55)
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the history of the studies of the Stone Age on the territory of the Trans-Baikal region. The author makes an attempt to comprehend the current state and level of archaeological studies of the region and the allocation of periods of the Stone Age research in the Trans-Baikal region, qualitatively differing from each other. On the basis of this approach, the five stages of archaeological study of irregular Trans-Baikal region are allocated. The first stage involves the activities of local historians of the late XIXth – early XXth century and researchers of the beginning of the last century which continued until the 1940s. The second stage is associated with the beginning of the Buryat-Mongolian archaeological expedition work under the leadership of A. P. Okladnikov. The third stage is characterized by the formation of time self-referred detachment under the guidance of I. I. Kirillov. The fourth stage is characterized by broad works in Western Transbaikalia and the creation of the first periodization of the Stone Age, and the current stage is characterized by a high level of interdisciplinary interaction. These periods are qualitatively different from each other by the level of coverage of the territory, the methodology of conducting archaeological excavations, the level of evaluation and fixation of the material, as well as the degree of application of the newest, including interdisciplinary research. Special attention is paid to the new approach for the Trans-Baikal region at the intersection of archeology and mineralogy – petroarheology, which the author of the work is actively developing in cooperation with G. A. Yurgenson, Doctor of Minerology and Geology.
Key words Trans-Baikal region, archeology of Upper and Final Paleolithic, Petroarcheology, raw material, flaking technology researchers, archaeological periodization
Article information
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