Article name Coverage of Sino-Mongolian Relationships During the Realization of the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011–2015) on the Pages of Renmin Ribao
Authors Tsyrempilova V.E.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Tsyrempilova V. E. Coverage of Sino-Mongolian Relationships During the Realization of the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011–2015) on the Pages of Renmin Ribao // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 4. P. 137– 141.
UDK 327(517.3+510)
Article type
Annotation The article examines the development of Sino-Mongolian relationships during the realization of the 12th fiveyear plan (2011–2015) and the succession of political course that was accepted in the XXth century. At this period in China there was a leadership change and global economic projects were approved. The aim of these projects was to strengthen Chinese cooperation with foreign countries. One of these projects is economic strategy “One Belt, One Road”, in which Mongolia has become one of the participants. At that period, the official visits of the Chinese and Mongolian delegations became permanent. The purpose of the visits was the intensification of comprehensive strategic cooperation between the countries. In 2014 both countries organized some events that were connected with the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Mongolia. At the end of 2015 China and Mongolia agreed on main directions of bilateral cooperation during the realization of the 13th fiveyear plan. These directions are connected with the implementation of strategic projects “Steppe Road” and “One Belt, One Road”. Also during this period, a range of agreements concerning the realization of comprehensive cooperation was signed. The People’s Daily (Renmin Ribao), an official organ of the CCP covered the current events.
Key words China, Mongolia, Sino-Mongolian relationships, Deng Xiaoping, policy of reforms and openness, socialism with Chinese characteristics, five-year plan, economic strategy “One Belt, One Road”, Renmin Ribao
Article information
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Full articleCoverage of Sino-Mongolian Relationships During the Realization of the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011–2015) on the Pages of Renmin Ribao