Article name “Majestic Msta” under the Gaze of the Toponymist Review of the Book: Vasil’ev V. L. Hydronymy of the Msta River Basin: a Set of Names and Analysis of Microsystems
Authors Suprun V.I.Doctor of Philology, Professor suprun@vspu. ru
Bibliographic description Suprun V. I. “Majestic Msta” under the Gaze of the Toponymist (Review of the Book: Vasil’ev V. L. Hydronymy of the Msta River Basin: a Set of Names and Analysis of Microsystems) // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 5. PP. 159–166.
UDK 81’373.215
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes the monograph by a Novgorod scientist V. L. Vasil’ev “Hydronymy of the Msta River Basin: a Set of Names and Analysis of Microsystems”, which in the form of a catalog contains the proper names of streams (rivers, streams) and sections of riverbeds (whirlpools, stretches, rapids, rifts, stone spits, pitfalls, underwater islands, shoals, steep bends of rivers), names of standing waters (lakes, swamps, reservoirs, ponds), and land areas of lake waters (islands, peninsulas, headlands, shoals, pools, bays, etc.). Non-hydronyms include the names of residential and non-residential settlements (villages, graveyards, cities, wastelands, tracts), as well as the names of hayfields, meadows, hills, localities, counties, districts. The catalogue is divided into 8 sections. The second part examines microsystemacy of the Msta hydronymy.
Key words hydronym, microsystem, the Msta, Valeriy L. Vasil’ev, monograph, catalog of hydronyms
Article information
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Full article“Majestic Msta” under the Gaze of the Toponymist Review of the Book: Vasil’ev V. L. Hydronymy of the Msta River Basin: a Set of Names and Analysis of Microsystems