Article name Factors of Formation of Archaeological Collections of Buryatia
Authors Dikiy Y.V.Laboratory Researcher yaroslavdikii@
Bibliographic description Dikiy Ya. V. Factors of Formation of Archaeological Collections of Buryatia // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 6. PP. 8–14. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-6-8-14.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-6-8-14
UDK 902(571.54)
Article type
Annotation The purpose of the article is to determine the factors influencing the process of formation of archaeological collections in Buryatia. The history of the formation of collections is briefly covered, the legislative framework that applies to the receipt and storage of archaeological materials and collections is considered. We show the main types of archaeological collections in museums of Buryatia (V. A. Obruchev Kyakhta Museum of local lore, National Museum of the Republic of Buryatia and Ethnographic Museum of the peoples of Transbaikalia, Museum of Buryat scientific center of the Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences) and the Institute for Mongolian studies, Buddhology and Tibetology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences; examples of the most representative collections. The main factors influencing the formation of collections are determined. In Buryatia, the attention to archaeological collections in the context of source studies is episodic, more often the works are of a historical and descriptive nature. The factors reflect the dualistic nature of the archaeological collections of Buryatia: first, the formation of archaeological collections is directly related to archaeological research; secondly, archaeological collections can be formed not only in museums; third, the division of the archaeological Fund in different organizations occur in different ways. Fourth, the availability of museums ready to host archaeological collections is also an important factor in the formation of collections in the region. Fifth, the level of organization of archaeological research affects the quality of archaeological collections and also affects the speed of formation and volume of collections. The dualism of archaeological collections is that, on the one hand, the collections are a source for the history of science in Buryatia, and on the other hand, they form the basis for historical and archaeological constructions and hypotheses.
Key words archaeology, Buryatia, archaeological collections, source studies, historical source, national Museum of Buryatia, Kyakhta Museum of local lore
Article information
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