Article name From Divine Revelation to the Communication Universum: Search of an Adequate Text Study Model
Authors Dzialoshinskiy I.М.Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design
Bibliographic description
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-1-163-175
UDK 070
Article type
Annotation The article proposes a concept according to which an anthropological understanding of the text is possible. This concept is based on the ideas of the authors of ancient texts, German romantics, Russian philosophers. In the framework of the proposed concept, the text is considered as a medium between the external наand internal worlds of man. The external world is understood as an impersonal reality, used as a resource for human development. It is emphasized that this world is external only for a specific individual. For humanity as a whole, this world is a product of human activity; it has only the appearance of objectivity, quasi-objectivity, imaginary empirical factuality and objectivity. The internal world of a person consists of images and ideas that are grouped into identity, incentive sphere, regulatory and semantic sphere, executive sphere. Acting as a medium between the external and internal worlds, a specific text is a fragment of the information and communication universum, the main feature of which is duality. On the one hand, it exists in conscious and unconscious forms of activity of living beings, including humans. On the other hand, it does not depend on anyone, and even determines the communicative behavior of all creatures known to us (viruses, bacteria, plants, animals, humans). In other words, a man is a resource of his reproduction and self-development in relation to the information and communication universum. In a situation of rapid development of information resources and communication technologies, the question of whether modern science can comprehend the information and communication universum in all its multidimensionality and complexity, and take control of its ability to influence people, becomes an urgent issue. Moreover, this issue is becoming important not only for the humanities, but also for the future of humanity.
Key words text, anthropological approach, life world, internal world of personality, information and communication universum
Article information
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