Article name Beyond the Great Wall: Peculiarities of the Chinese National Character
Authors Bokavneva O.V.Degree Seeking Applicant
Bibliographic description Bokavneva O. V. Beyond the Great Wall: Peculiarities of the Chinese National Character // Humanitarian Vector. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 4. PP. 137–142. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-4-137-142.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-4-137-142
UDK 130.2
Article type
Annotation Keen interest in studying of neighboring states has always remained a vital problem for several reasons: the protection of the state from invasions, the defense of independence and territorial integrity, the establishment of diplomatic contacts and trade relations, the development of cultural ties. Walled by the Great Wall, China developed and went its own way. Isolation from outside world, the harsh climate, the natural environment – all has affected the national character. Nowadays the consideration of value orientations, norms of behavior, system of education, understanding and appropriate application of accumulated knowledge in the process of intercultural contact continues to be an important problem, the solution of which is to explore Chinese society by overcoming the Great Wall. At first sight, the stability of Chinese culture is perceived as conservative. However, its paradoxicality is manifested in the ability to accept new trends, to reply the challenges of today, preserving the samples and norms, that have evolved and passed on to the next generation for centuries. Adherence to traditions can be seen in behavior, everyday life, interpersonal relationships, affects all spheres of society. The Chinese belong to another civilization, they have a different system of views, attitude to reality, a certain type of thinking, non-verbal means of communication, language picture of the world, humor. This article discusses the national traits of Chinese character in the context of the key provisions of philosophical and cultural analysis ‒ which can help to prevent conflict situations, avoid misunderstandings in communication
Key words national character, family, “saving face”, moral attitudes, traditions, succession, collectivity
Article information
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