Article name Opinion of the Youth of Higher Education Institutions on the Activities of the Police
Authors Gaidai M.K.Doctor of Sociology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Gaidai M. K. Opinion of the Youth of Higher Education Institutions on the Activities of the Police // Humanitarian Vector. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 4. PP. 195–199. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-4-195-199.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-4-195-199
UDK 101.1:316
Article type
Annotation This article is devoted to the study of the views of students on the police activities. The article is based on a study conducted among young people studying in education organizations of higher learning in Irkutsk. The legislative recognition of public opinion as one of the main criteria for evaluating the police is noted, which gives the work additional relevance and practical significance. The author analyzes the work of modern researchers in the field of monitoring public opinion on the activities of law enforcement agencies in general and the police in particular, as well as image-making components of the image of a policeman. The study illustrates a generally positive assessment of the police activities by young students in the city of Irkutsk. One of the focal points in assessing the activities of police officers was the presence (absence) of safety and security perceptions from criminal attacks on city streets. At the same time, in assessing the work of the police, it is important to provide assistance to the population, to respond promptly to messages from citizens, to ensure public order, and to solve crimes. Youth believes that the prestige of the police service is determined by its high social significance, constant monetary compensation, and the availability of social guarantees. The factors making the service in the internal affairs bodies less prestigious among the surveyed young students included the risk to the life being associated with activities and the need to communicate with criminals in carrying out tasks assigned to the police.
Key words young students, police activity, prestige of service, law enforcement agencies
Article information
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