Article name Axiology of Faust: A Tragedy Translation in the Context of Russian-European Intercultural Relations
Authors Vasilyeva G.M.Doctor of Philosophy, professor
Bibliographic description Vasilyeva G. M. Axiology of Faust: A Tragedy Translation in the Context of Russian-European Intercultural Relations // Humanitarian Vector. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 5. PP. 8–15. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-5-8-15.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-5-8-15
UDK 801.112-2Ге82-2
Article type
Annotation Appealing to the problem is associated with updating the concept of “world literature” in Western science. The relevance of the topic is determined by the need for a diachronic and synchronous description of the I. Goethe’s tragedy translations in the context of the comparative literature achievements. The history of translation takes on a continual dimension. In studying the translation’s internal morphological structure by the classic, they highlight the existential potential inherent in it, the revitalization of the text. The purpose of the study is reception and filiation of Goethe’s ideas towards translation, which underlies cultural continuity. The goal has predetermined the tasks: to analyze Goethe’s introspective interpretation of the concept of “status of a translator” with a projection onto the reader, to consider the poetic idiolect and sociocultural foundations of tragedy translation. The cultural transfer method is used to analyze changes in translation as a receiving work; the hermeneutic method with elements of the thesaurus and phenomenological approaches helps to understand the archetypes that maintain stability. The tragedy translation strategies in the context of Goethe’s etalon and “expert” ideas about translation are explored in the article. Goethe acknowledged that we translate every text into another language – approximately or precisely. In translation, the original not only reproduces itself, but also “grows”. He considered the translation, the reconstruction of the work system in another language, regeneration, amplification. Goethe examined a number of cultural, historical translation issues. The relationship between translatable and untranslated is especially fragile due to the spontaneity of Goethe, the artist and the thinker. As a result, the text does not sound like an eternity-oriented poetic act, but in inimitably private, like the statement “here and now”. Goethe called the prose text of the poetic work “the initiator of hunger”: it encourages the reader to study the original. Interlinear, an extensive path from phrase to phrase without omissions, implies academic accuracy and is a kind of semantic standard. Goethe leads in different scenes the same lines (semantic axioms), highlights words with “diminutive” semantics. Many statements are based on the rules of paroemia. Languages that are not within the same cultural range provide examples of expressive discrepancies. The approach of the most Russian translators can be called an assimilating strategy.
Key words text regeneration, diminutiveness, imperative outline, expressive onomatopoietic vocabulary
Article information
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Full articleAxiology of Faust: A Tragedy Translation in the Context of Russian-European Intercultural Relations