Article name Cultural Centrism in the Study of Quality of Life
Authors Shchetkina I.A.Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-2-52-59
UDK 304
Article type
Annotation Social changes determined by social development affect the formation and change the social values and human needs. This changes the orientations of the social world outlook, which is aimed at finding solutions for improving the quality of life and modernization of material and spiritual culture of the society. The integrative culture centered approach proves that there is a dialectical unity between quality of life and culture, namely that the development of quality of life occurs according to the scheme: cultural innovations meet resistance at the level of everyday culture, contains the primary life-support program. However, their subsequent interaction leads to the formation of a new quality of life. The main aspect, which draws attention in cultural concepts of quality of life, is culture of quality of life. It is a cultural heritage of the nation which includes elements of spiritual and material culture, together forming integrative culture centered unity. Quality of life in the context of cultural centrism is a component of culture which supports society and man, it is understood as cultural wealth. The role of culture in the context of cultural centrism is that it organizes, gives dynamics and the symbolic meaning of those events that happen in people’s lives and characterize its quality.
Key words quality of life, culture, cultural centrism, values, cultural universals
Article information
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Full articleCultural Centrism in the Study of Quality of Life