Article name From the concept of Fate to the Theory of Generations (to the 75th Anniversary of the Professor Vanchikova Tsymzhit Purbuevna)
Authors Kuras L.V.Doctor of History, Professor
Bibliographic description Kuras L. V. From the Сoncept of Fate to the Theory of Generations (to the 75th Anniversary of the Professor Vanchikova Tsymzhit Purbuevna) // Humanitarian Vector. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 6. PP. 195–202. DOI: 10.21209/1996- 7853-2020-15-6-195-202.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-6-198-202
UDK 001(571.54)
Article type
Annotation The article examines the creative path of Tsymzhit Purbuevna Vanchikova, doctor of historical sciences, professor, chief researcher of the Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan studies of the SB RAS, an Honored researcher of the Republic of Buryatia, whose 75th anniversary will be celebrated by the scientific community. Ts. P. Vanchikova gave 52 years to her native Institute, having prepared many monographs, articles, reviews and dozens of graduates, being the head of many scientific projects and international grants, a regular participant of numerous international forums. At the same time, the peculiarity of the researcher’s biography is shown not through the prism of a dynasty of Orientalists, but through the concept of fate. That is, her work is considered as a predetermined and logical continuation of the creative path of her father, a well-known source scholar, historiographer and a specialist in the study and publication of medieval texts, candidate of historical sciences Purbo Baldanzhapov, with whom the hero of the day has joint publications. In turn, this family tradition and predestination, which has been passed on to the daughter of the hero of the day, Tatyana Sergeevna, which fits perfectly into the 100-year cycle of the theory of generations. That is why the article also features the future lawyer-the favorite grandson of the anniversarian.
Key words Professor Vanchikova Tsymzhit Purbuevna, the Center of Oriental manuscripts and xylographs, source studies, study and publication of medieval texts, historiography, Mongolian studies
Article information
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Full articleFrom the concept of Fate to the Theory of Generations (to the 75th Anniversary of the Professor Vanchikova Tsymzhit Purbuevna)