Article name On Alternativity as a Notion in Science and Modern Media
Authors Dmitriev O.A.Candidate of Philology
Bibliographic description Dmitriev O. A. On Alternativity as a Notion in Science and Modern Media // Humanitarian Vector. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 1. PP. 160–166. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-1-160-166.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-1-160-166
UDK 1:316.774
Article type
Annotation This article reviews the attempt to study the notion of alternativity in various fields of knowledge. This generalization is necessary for classifying alternativity as a phenomenon. This will give researchers further boost in the studies of alternative media. The research of alternative media has been carried out for more than 5 years by the Academy of Media Industry and the media department of HSE University in Moscow. Alternativity is understood by the author as the necessity of choice between several ways that sometimes contradict one another. The author reviews philosophic concepts and elements of alternativity in modern science. Special attention is paid to the issues of alternativity in history, linguistics and natural science. During the analysis the focus is held on the works by J. Habermas and other researchers that viewed the opportunity to create communicative rationale through the elements of various opposing theories which is important for the media analysis. This aims to trace models and principles that could be useful to analyze modern alternative media in online environment. After the analysis of alternative components from various fields of science the author determines key factors that influence the formation of the personal alternative behavior. Here are some of them: the choice to differentiate between correct and false statements, acquiring its own experience through reasoning, the desire for a constant interaction with the people in various forms on various topics, the use of the successful innovations from various scientific concepts, the use of elements that change personal behavior, the desire to relax and seek freedom in alternative virtual word, the necessity to look for new knowledge, facts, figures in the ever-changing environment.
Key words alternativity, alternative mediа, metaphysics, eclecticism, audience, individual, linguistics, communication ISSN 2542-0038 (Online) ISSN 1996-7853 (Print)
Article information
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