Article name Challenges of Transformative Anthropology
Authors Chetverikova N.A.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,
Bibliographic description
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-2-82-87
UDK 177
Article type
Annotation The article focuses on the problems of human transformation as a biosocial being, caused by the NBICS-technologies (nano-bio-info-cogno-socio). The object of the research is the modern intentions of changing the body and consciousness of a person, which cause negative anthropological consequences. The subject of the study includes the systematization of fundamental demonstrations of the dilution of the status of man as a natural being. The research is based on philosophical and anthropological ideas about the evolutionary transformations of the biological nature of man and his influence on all other parameters of human existence acquiring a revolutionary upsurge with undetermined consequences. The study deals with the significant strategies of technical and biological evolution, presented in the transhumanist projects, claiming to state new meanings of human existence. The social consequences of the transhumanist movement look threatening. The manipulations with human consciousness are especially dangerous, as they destroy the identity of the individual. Any attempts to go beyond the value judgments with regard to the transformations produced look like a deal with the devil. Especially when it comes to the questions of reproduction and the desire to produce an “ideal” person. Previously the game with sexes did not look like a serious harm, but now it is. The transformations found among adults and children who are suffering from pathologies of the Internet addiction and information overload. The main negative manifestations of this dependence, impeding personal development, are revealed in the study. The formation of the information culture is becoming especially significant. As a result, there are conclusions about real and catastrophic dangers based on the analysis of the processes of human biological transformation
Key words transhumanism, technical and biological evolution, social transformation, self-identification of the individual
Article information
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