Article name Verbalization of the Family Concept in Russian and Iranian Language Pictures (Based on Proverbs)
Authors Khalida Siyami Eidlak ..Candidate of Philology
Yazdanmehr Sayyed Mohammad Javad ..Candidate of Philology
Bibliographic description Khalida Siyami Eidlak, Yazdanmehr Sayyed Mohammad Javad. Verbalization of the Family Concept in Russian and Iranian Language Pictures (Based on Proverbs) // Humanitarian Vector. 2022. Vol. 17, No. 1. PP. 75–85. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-1-75-85.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-1-75-85
UDK 1761
Article type Original article
Annotation This article examines the concept of the “family” and its lexicographic expression in the comparative relation of Russian and Persian linguocultures. The methodological basis of the study is the units that served as the fundamental material for the study, built on the methods of linguo-cognitive and linguocultural analyses of the “family” concept, as well as those withdrawn by the method of continuous sampling from explanatory and phraseological dictionaries of the compared languages. The relevance of the study is determined by the expediency of a comparative study of paremias in the linguocultural and linguo-cognitive aspects, in order to identify and demonstrate the fundamental centuries-old values of family relations of two compared linguocultures. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that such a conceptual analysis with the “family” component in a comparative-comparative aspect on the basis of phraseological units, proverbs and sayings of Iranian and Russian linguistic cultures is carried out for the first time. Based on the purpose of our study, which was to identify the specifics and originality of “family relationships and values” at the proverbial level of the two compared languages, the norms of behavior and relationships between members of the concept of “family” were identified. As a result of the linguocultural analysis of the hyperconcept “family” and the microconcepts branching from it, it was revealed that in the ordinary minds of representatives of both Russian and Persian people, they have a positive connotation. The conclusions obtained by us are of practical importance and can arouse the interest of researchers in the field of oriental studies, as well as teachers of Russian as a foreign language in an Iranian- speaking environment and the Persian language in a Russian-speaking audience for the purpose of further linguocultural analysis and study of the paremias of the compared languages, and are also taken into account in the development of specialized dictionaries of proverbs and sayings, phraseological units and set expressions.
Key words concept, family, Iran, Russia, language picture of the world
Article information
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Full articleVerbalization of the Family Concept in Russian and Iranian Language Pictures (Based on Proverbs)