Article name Biology and Worldview: R. S. Karpinskaya’s Contribution to the Development of Scientific and Philosophical Methodology
Authors Khen Y.V.Doctor of Philosophy, Leading Researcher
Bibliographic description
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-2-167-171
UDK 57
Article type
Annotation The article describes a number of areas, in development of which R. S. Karpinskaya, a scientist with the world name, an outstanding methdologist of science, has made a significant contribution. We examine the specifics of her approach to the formulation and solution of the problems of epistemology of science. It is noted that in the historical perspective, her works in the field of philosophy of biology provide the backbone, that is, in many ways they have led to the appearance of modern philosophy of science. Based on this analysis, we conclude that the idea of co-evolution, biophilosophy, global evolution, etc., in which R. S. Karpinskaya took an active part, gave impetus and became the basis for many modern concepts and theories.
Key words R. S. Karpinskaya, co-evolution, biophilosophy, global evolutionism, biology, worldview
Article information
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Full articleBiology and Worldview: R. S. Karpinskaya’s Contribution to the Development of Scientific and Philosophical Methodology