Article name The Value Paradigm of Philosophical Anthropology: Inclusion in a New Context
Authors Misonzhnikov B.Y.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Bibliographic description Misonzhnikov B. Ya. The Value Paradigm of Philosophical Anthropology: Inclusion in a New Context // Humanitarian Vector. 2022. Vol. 17, No. 2. PP. 16–24. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-2-16-24.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-2-16-24
UDK 141.319.8
Article type Original article
Annotation The article deals with some aspects of philosophical anthropology, which, as a doctrine, is built not only on axiological principles of identification but also is imbued with value construction. The problem of human nature, its existence in a spatial continuum determines the relevance of the study. The purpose of the work is to summarize the existing experience accumulated by prominent philosophers in the field of philosophical anthropology, to analyze the use of axiology as a theory of values, which is used in the philosophical doctrine of man. To arrange and systematize existing material in order to form a unified concept of philosophical anthropology, the comparative genetic method was used, and some general scientific methods were also used. And for the solution of precisely philosophical problems ‒ methods of dialectical, axiomatic, empirical knowledge, represented, in particular, by description. The author analyzes the features of the development of axiology, in particular aspects of its typological modeling. The result of the study led to the conclusion that the data in the field of philosophical anthropology, despite its considerable volume, is not systematized and not summarized in a common large-scale scientific structure, although it cannot be said that the knowledge of philosophical anthropology exists only as a prolegomena to the present one science. At the same time, in a rapidly changing reality, consideration of the problems of human existence is of particular importance.
Key words axiology, philosophical anthropology, values, human, post-non-classical rationality
Article information
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