Article name Natural Reasons for Differences in the Character of Man and Woman
Authors Subbotina N.D.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor dialectica@yandex. ru
Bibliographic description Subbotina N. D. Natural Reasons for Differences in the Character of Man and Woman // Humanitarian Vector. 2022. Vol. 17, No. 2. PP. 35–46. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-2-35-46.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-2-35-46
UDK 129
Article type Original article
Annotation The relevance of this study is due to the fact that men and women often do not understand the views and behavior of each other. The article examines the problem of different character traits and behavior of men and women, analyzes the reasons for these differences. As a methodology, the author’s theory of the relationship between the natural and the social in society and man, as well as analysis, comparison and dialectics are used. The author finds out which traits have natural causes and which ones have social causes. The paper provides a critical analysis of the views of Ch. Darwin, Z. Freud, V. A. Geodakyan, R. L. Trivers, R. Dawkins and others. The use of the “five-factor model” by psychologists in the study of differences in the characters of men and women is analyzed. The special role of Geodakyan’s theory about the causes of sexual dimorphism is shown, which states that in all living organisms with dimorphism, including humans, the male sex will perform the development function at the genetic level, and the female sex will perform the preservation function. The function of conservation in a woman at the biological level is manifested in the fact that she passes on to her offspring all the valuable, stable genes that the species has acquired at the moment, thereby preserving them. The male sex, through the paternal effect, passes on to the heirs new genes that contribute to the development of the species. The author concludes that not only at the genetic, but also at the social level, a man contributes to the development of society to a greater extent, and a woman contributes to its preservation. At the same time, these functions are harmonized, as a result of which men begin to participate more in conservation, and women in development. It also shows the dialectic of the internal natural prerequisites for the predominant character traits of a man and a woman and social control over them.
Key words character traits of men and women, natural, social, preservation, development, sexual dimorphism, paternal effect
Article information
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Full articleNatural Reasons for Differences in the Character of Man and Woman