Article name Will the Pioneer Horn Sound?
Authors Konstantinov A.V.Doctor of History, Professor
Bibliographic description Konstantinov A. V. Will the Pioneer Horn Sound? // Humanitarian Vector. 2022. Vol. 17, No. 3. PP. 155–162. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-3-155-162.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-3-155-162
UDK 329.78:93/94(47+57)
Article type Feature article
Annotation The author made an attempt to study the history of the development of the children’s movement in the country and its problems in the year of the 100th anniversary of the pioneer movement (2022). The relevance of the topic is due to the attention to the problem of researchers, the public, as well as the need for state policy in relation to children’s and youth organizations. It is noted that this topic is interdisciplinary in nature and is at the junction of various scientific areas. The policy of the state in relation to the children’s movement changed dramatically more than once. The most important milestones in this regard are 1922 ‒ the prohibition of the scout movement and the creation of a pioneer organization and 1991 ‒ the dissolution of the pioneer organization and the transition to a variety of forms of children’s organizations. The current period in the development of the children’s movement is characterized the diversity of forms of children’s organizations. But even during this time, the policy of the state in relation to the children’s movement has evolved markedly. In 2015, an attempt was again made to create a mass children’s organization (the All-Russian Movement of School students). The anniversary marked the differences in the positions of the state and society, at the same time it stimulated the process of solving accumulated problems in the new political conditions. It was on May 19, 2022 that V. N. Matvienko Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation said that a group of deputies and senators had submitted to the Duma a bill on the Russian movement of children and youth. Perhaps the children’s movement in the country is on the threshold of a new stage of its development. According to the author, the history of the children’s movement and the pioneer movement in particular has become one of the most problematic phenomena in the Russian history. Particular attention is paid to the development of the children’s movement in the territory of Transbaikalia. In conclusion, the author presents proposals for organizing a new mass children’s movement.
Key words children’s movement, children’s organization, scout movement, pioneer organization, I. N. Zhukov
Article information
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