Article name History and Modernity in the Textbook by Professors A. V. Postnikov and M. V. Konstantinov
Authors Mertsalov V.I.Doctor of History, Professor
Bibliographic description Mertsalov V. I. History and Modernity in the Textbook by Professors A. V. Postnikov and M. V. Konstantinov // Humanitarian Vector. 2023. Vol. 18, No. 2. P. 142–152. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-2-142-152.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-2-142-152
UDK 908:93/94(571.55)
Article type Review
Annotation The textbook “History and Modernity” is a specific historical work devoted to topical problems of studying the history of Transbaikalia and the Far East in the XVIIth – early XXth centuries. There are two levels of coverage of the historical process. The section that reveals the history of the Trans-Baikal section of the state border between Russia and China (XVIIth – early XXth century) belongs to the first level. The second level includes for construction of a telegraph line between Russia and America, on the little-known pages of Siberian studies of such a world-famous personality as P. A. Kropotkin. Sections of the second level cover the second half of the XIXth – early XXth centuries. The textbook consists of separate independent parts, but is not devoid of integrity, which is largely due to the coverage of the importance of cartographic and geographical research in solving border and geopolitical problems in all parts. In this regard, the history of the project for the construction of a telegraph line between Russian and America is revealed in a meaningful and new way. But the authors do not bypass the emergence and development of political ideas. In the part on the Alaska – Amur dilemma, a whole paragraph highlights the ideas of expanding the territory of the United States and its global influence. It should be emphasized that the textbook is written on the basis of archival studied not only in Russia but also abroad.The connection between history and modernity is determined by the relevance of historical work. The authors made a number of “exits” to the present. They show the historical roots of the current global dominance of the United States and the modern information revolution, give an answer to the question of legality of the sale of Alaska to the United States, highlighting the historical role of N. N. Muravyov-Amursky. The textbook teaches history and awakens in students a sense of pride in historical past of Russia.
Key words Transbaikal section of the state border, Alaska – Amur dilemma, transcontinental telegraph, P. A. Kropotkin’s Siberian studies, A. V. Postnikov, M. V. Konstantinov
Article information
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Full articleHistory and Modernity in the Textbook by Professors A. V. Postnikov and M. V. Konstantinov