Article name On the Issue of the Reception of Chinese \"Strange Stories\" in Russian Literature
Authors Han Dan ..PhD student
Tugulova O.D.Candidate of Philology
Bardakhanova Z.D.Candidate of Philology
Bibliographic description Han Dan, Tugulova O. D., Bardakhanova Z. D. On the Issue of the Reception of Chinese \"Strange Stories\" in Russian Literature // Humanitarian Vector. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 3. P. 48–56. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18- 2-48-56.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-3-48-56
UDK 821.581
Article type Original article
Annotation The article examines the influence of images, in particular, of a fox, from the works Liao Zhai’s Stories about the Extraordinary by Pu Songlin and Notes on the Search for Spirits by Gan Bao on modern Russian prose. The research material was the collections of Pu Songlin Liao Zhai’s Stories about the Extraordinary and Gan Bao Notes on the Search for Spirits in Russian translations. The study uses an interpretation technique involving reliance on contexts, methods of comparative and comparative analysis, and a phenomenological approach. The article presents an overview of the century-old history of translations of Pu Songlin’s novellas and Gan Bao’s stories into Russian. Based on the works by V. Pelevin, A. Nikolashina, M. Uspensky, the degree of influence of images from Chinese classical literature on Russian prose is determined. Most often, the image of werewolf foxes is borrowed, which is endowed in the recipient texts with recognizable qualities from the source – beauty, wisdom, passion, devotion, independence. At the same time, such heroines undergo personal changes during the development of the plot, as, for example, in the novel by V. Pelevin, without remaining in the static canonical framework. The poor monk in the story by M. Uspensky also possesses \"magical\" abilities and knowledge in Eastern philosophy. The very atmosphere of the \"magical\", \"strange\" as a special technique allows writers to highlight topical issues of our time in a special language. The results of this study reflect the process of adaptation of Chinese \"strange stories\" in Russian literature, first as original works in translation, then as donor texts for Russian writers. The methodological approach used in the work can be applied to further study the reception of Pu Songlin’s and Gan Bao’s creativity in Russian literature, as well as the influence and adaptation of other works of Chinese classics.
Key words reception, translation, Pu Songling, Liao Zhai, influence on Russian prose, werewolf foxes
Article information
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Full articleOn the Issue of the Reception of Chinese \"Strange Stories\" in Russian Literature