Article name I. A. Krylov in the Mirror of Russian-Persian Intercultural Dialogue
Authors Khalida Siyami Eidlak ..Candidate of Philology
Bahareh Сheraghi ..Candidate of Philology
Bibliographic description Khalida Siyami Eidlak, Bahareh Сheraghi. Krylov I. A. in The Mirror of Russian-Persian Intercultural Dialogue // Humanitarian Vector. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 3. P. 57–66. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-2-57-66.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-3-57-66
UDK 8113
Article type Original article
Annotation In the development of Iranian literary criticism, translations of the works of the great Russian fabulist I. A. Krylov contribute to the interpenetration and mutual enrichment of the cultures of the two countries. This article contains an analysis of translation interpretations of the fable by I. A. Krylov’s The Crow and the Fox in Iranian, produced both from the original language and through an intermediary language, or rather from English. The paper emphasizes the importance of translating the literary heritage of I. A. Krylov on the development and interaction of cultural relations between Iran and Russia. The relevance of the work is due to the rise in the interest of Iranian readers to the multidimensional translation variations of the works by I. A. Krylov from different linguistic cultures. As a result of this phenomenon, there is also a greater interest of researchers in the field of comparative semantic analysis of their correspondence to the original. The Krylov heritage includes 236 fables, in connection with which, in the framework of this study, the authors chose the fable The Crow and the Fox as the methodological basis for the study. This fable has firmly entered the cultural life of the Iranian people and corresponds to the educational mentality of both the younger generation and the entire Iranian society. The purpose of the study is to make a comparative analysis of the text of the original fable The Crow and the Fox with its various translations in Persian. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using the material in the process of teaching the work of the Russian fabulist in the universities of Iran, as well as as an example in the subject of the theory of translation of literary texts. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that at the moment it is the first attempt to study the work of I. A. Krylov through a comparative semantic analysis of the fable The Crow and the Fox in publications in Iranian translated from different source languages.
Key words translation, Ivan Andreevich Krylov, Iran, Russia, literature, The Crow and the Fox
Article information
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