Article name The Development of Artificial Intelligence and the Transformation of Journalism: New Opportunities and Challenges
Authors Vinogradova K.E.Сandidate of Political Science
Bibliographic description Vinogradova K. E. The Development of Artificial Intelligence and the Transformation of Journalism: New Opportunities and Challenges // Humanitarian Vector. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 3. P. 121–130. DOI: 10.21209/1996- 7853-2023-18-2-121-130.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-3-121-130
UDK 070:004.8
Article type Original article
Annotation The article provides a critical analysis of studies that record the impact of artificial intelligence not only on the development of modern science but also on the way of thinking and spiritual life. The study is based on the synthesis of philosophical concepts. The factors contributing to the emergence of the philosophy of artificial intelligence are considered, the areas of its application, the key directions of its development are indicated. The conceptual apparatus of the phenomenon of artificial intelligence is clarified. As research methods, the methods of comparative studies and discourse analysis are used, which reveal the links between meanings and concepts. Using the Google News resource, 250 publications were selected and analyzed, in which there were mentions of the connection between journalism and artificial intelligence. The article contains a comparative description of positive and negative impact of new technologies on information and communication processes in society, in the context of search, processing and transmission of information to a mass audience. Based on the analysis of Russian and foreign media practice, the implementation of creative information products created with the help of artificial intelligence is shown; the experience of using artificial intelligence in the media industry, media production and media education is summarized. AI is considered from the perspective of innovative and promising ideas that develop science and production. Conclusion: turning to neural networks used in these technologies is not a fashion and not a tribute to the times, but the only way for editors to survive. At the same time, we conclude that it is necessary to assess the risks from the rapid introduction of high technologies in the field of communication. Specific approaches to solving the problems of introducing artificial intelligence into the field of journalism and training personnel capable of effectively using artificial intelligence programs in professional activities are outlined.
Key words artificial intelligence, the future of journalism, transformation of journalism, new technologies, journalism prospects, automation of journalism
Article information
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