Article name Structure of Quality of Life Culture
Authors Shchetkina I.A.Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Shchetkina I. A. Structure of Quality of Life Culture // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 3. PP. 192–196. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-3-192-196.
DOI 10/21209/1996-7853-2018-13-3-192-196
UDK 304
Article type
Annotation Creation of conditions for realization of creative potential, self-realization in general for proactive participation in cultural life is very important to human beings and society, along with the ability to replenish material resources, acquire knowledge, and live a healthy and active life. The culture of quality of life in this context acts as a system integrity of specific ways of human creative activity on creation and improvement of material subjects, spiritual values, a way of life, man himself, as a special basis for the quality of human life. In modern society, culture is an important mechanism of human interaction helping people to ensure a certain quality of life, preserve the unity and integrity of communities when interacting with each other. Based on cultural centrism, we can talk that culture of the quality of life has its own complex structure and modern societies have distinct cultural features that last for a long time having a significant impact on the quality of life. The structure of the quality of life culture should be characterized in the context of needs, the opportunity to exercise freedom of choice paths of development needs and ways to meet them. Of particular importance is the formation of cultural values of people, freedom of expression, as well as the realization of creative potential.
Key words quality of life, structure of culture, cultural centrism, values, cultural universals
Article information
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