Article name Activity of the Teachers’ Voluntary Social Organization in the Transbaikal Region in the Beginning of the XXth Century
Authors Mamkina I.N.Doctor of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Mamkina I. N. Activity of the Teachers’ Voluntary Social Organization in the Transbaikal Region in the Beginning of the XXth Century // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 4. PP. 132–139. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-4-132-139.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-4-132-139
UDK 93
Article type
Annotation In the article, the issue of forming the professional teachers’ association in the Transbaikal region in the beginning of the XXth century is presented. Democratization of the modern Russian educational system caused involving of the wide range of society in the educational field and as a result, the increase in different social pedagogical organizations and the formation of mature pedagogical society. Such circumstances actualized studying the historical experience of the social organizations before the revolution that allowed us to find out the most effective mechanisms of the social interaction, the interaction between a school and a state and to use positive experience. Historiographical analysis shows the fragmentary study of the problem. The purpose of the article is studying both the experience of the organization and the activity of the first voluntary association of the teachers in the Transbaikal region. The methodological base of the investigation is the sociocultural approach. In the article, the author paid attention to the history of forming social organizations in the field of the public education in the Russian Empire as a whole and in Eastern Siberia in particular. On the basis of the archival documents firstly used for the scientific purposes, the author defined the order, the aim and the direction of the activity of the forming of social teachers’ association in the Transbaikal region. It was marked that during the first years of the Russian revolution, the activity of the organization was directed to the increase in the professional level of local teachers. It was defined that on the eve of the 1917 revolution, the social activity had its political character. The author concluded that social teachers’ association in the Transbaikal region was the instrument of realization of teachers’ material, professional and political interests.
Key words Transbaikal region, education, teacher, professional community, social organization
Article information
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