Article name The Middle Paleolithic Localities of Eastern Transbaikalia
Authors Moroz P.V.Candidate of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Moroz P. V. The Middle Paleolithic Localities of Eastern Transbaikalia // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 6. PP. 69–81. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-6-69-81.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-6-69-81
UDK 902.2 (571.55)
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the analysis of the archaeological localities of the Eastern Transbaikalia showing the Middle Paleolithic stone industry. The dislocation of similar localities on the map of the Transbaikal Region and their connection with the basins of the major rivers of the region is considered. In addition, we analyze the applied flaking technology, technical and typological characteristics and morphology of the tool kit on the identified localities. On the example of three identified objects Dalnie Shirovichi, Tarbaldzhey and Nagadan, the raw material composition and linear dimensions of the artifacts were analyzed. These objects are located in the valleys of the rivers Onon and Argun and are sites with a superficial bedding of the material. For the first time, common features to the Middle Paleolithic complexes of the Eastern Transbaikalia are revealed. These include the relationship with major river systems, the presence in the industry of both planar and volumetric flaking, large sizes of tools and flakes, as well as the presence of deflation caused by various agents of influence. It is also significant that the industries under consideration are mixed. They include both middle Paleolithic materials and younger artifacts. Separately, we discuss the use of raw materials. It was found out that the main raw material for the industries under consideration is silicified sandstone in the form of plate-like segregations and effusive rocks, mostly of medium composition.
Key words petroarcheology, Paleolithic, Middle Paleolithic, Eastern Transbaikalia, Dalnie Shirovichi, Tarbaldzhey, Nagadan localities
Article information
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Full articleThe Middle Paleolithic Localities of Eastern Transbaikalia