Article name Modern Linguistics – The Science of Man, His Consciousness, Language and Culture
Authors Maslova V.A.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Bibliographic description Maslova V. A. Modern Linguistics – The Science of Man, His Consciousness, Language and Culture // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No.1. PP. 6–11. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-1-6-11.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-1-6-11
UDK 81`1
Article type
Annotation Some features of linguistics of the beginning of the 21st century are revealed in the article: anthropocentrism, panlinguism, interdisciplinary understanding of linguistic phenomena, transition from actual knowledge to deep. Linguistics becomes not only a science about language, but also a science about a person, his consciousness, language and culture. It is time to change the linguistic method of consciousness, i. e. a system of established stereotypes and views on the language and text and the ways in which they are taught in connection with a number of achievements in linguoculturology and cognitive linguistics, when a significant number of linguistic facts have been accumulated and explained. Along with cognitive linguistics, another trend emerged in the twentieth century, i. e. linguoculturology, the main issues of its study were the concept sphere of Russian culture and the language picture of the world. Cognitive metaphorology, linguognoseology, cognitive grammar, cognitive stylistic, etc., exist as separate sections within the framework of cognitive linguistics; there are applied linguoculturology (lexicographical and methodical), comparative linguoculturology of the multicultural space, experimental linguoculturology, synergetic linguoculturology in linguoculturology. Applied linguoculturology and applied conceptology have already begun to form. The basic units of research are not only individual words, but also the whole texts for today. Text is the trueinterweaving of linguistics and culturology. It belongs to the language and is its highest tier, at the same time, the text is a form of the existence of culture. Linguoculturology considers language as a system of the embodiment of cultural values through the prism of language codes.
Key words cognitive linguistics, linguoculturology, linguoconceptology, integrativity
Article information
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Full articleModern Linguistics – The Science of Man, His Consciousness, Language and Culture