Article name National Stereotypes as Media Text Topos: Urgency of Media Archeology
Authors Erofeeva I.V.Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor
Filshina O.A.Specialist of Public Relations and Media Office
Bibliographic description Erofeeva I. V., Filshina O. A. National Stereotypes as Media Text Topos: Urgency of Media Archeology // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 59–67. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-59-67.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-59-67
UDK 811:002.703.0
Article type
Annotation The study presents linguocultural analysis of national stereotypes of a modern media text of different types (journalistic and advertising texts). The authors give explanation of mental demand and urgency of cognitive stereotypes for a linguistic personality of a media text’s author and its consumer. The stereotypes as cognitive-linguistic structures are supported by addresser’s and addressee’s background knowledge, they involve prototext meanings a priori topical and requested by a mass audience. The research is empirically based on 600 journalistic and advertising texts from the Russian mass media. In authors’ view, linguocultural stereotypes in the media text space develop their meanings due to the use of topoi – the steady speech formulas, problems and plots, scenario markers characteristic of a national worldview. On the basis of studies in the field of modern media archeology we state that collective memory operates new technologies of the media, both text and format. The paper presents characteristics of some features of the mass media representation of hetero- and auto-stereotypes, as well as cognitive-linguistic structures and topoi in interrelation with the process of an objectification of the Russian culture values: Family. House; Patriotism. Сonciliarism; Generosity; Freedom; Laziness; Warm-heartedness. Spirituality. The content analysis of commercials on the TNT federal and regional TV channel has shown an active objectification of topoi. A third of TV commercials contain national stereotypes, they are more often shown on the federal TV channels than on the regional ones. An intensive representation of national stereotypes in the mass media is not only economically feasible, it helps to realize cultural and hereditary function of the mass media, to preserve primordial traditions, to translate the ideals and cultural heritage of prior generations.
Key words national stereotypes, media text, linguistic personality, representation, national model of the world, topos, media archeology
Article information
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Full articleNational Stereotypes as Media Text Topos: Urgency of Media Archeology