Article name Public Self-Regulating Courts in the Russian North-East Territories in the Early 20th Century
Authors Dorzheeva V.V.Doctor of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Dorzheeva V. V. Public Self-Regulating Courts in the Russian North-East Territories in the Early 20 th Century // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 4. PP. 33–40. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-4-33-40.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-4-33-40
UDK 930
Article type
Annotation The article is based on a study of activities of a particular judicial body – the Selsovet courts of conciliation. Due to specifics of legal consciousness and conventional rule operation within period under the study, these courts of conciliation became a tribunal, which maximally complied with the level of regional population’s legal culture. The article studies the republican and regional normative basis, upon which courts of conciliation activity and proceedings in a case are formed. This problem is important today due to insufficient study of the subject in the regional historiography. In this article, the author studies the activity of courts of conciliation based on scientific introduction of documents of the State archive of Magadan region. Purposes and judicial procedure in the courts of conciliation are studied. Particular focus is on regional functional specifics of these alternative judicial organs, compared to the practice in central areas of country. The author points that sociocultural realia on Russian North-East are low, even in comparison with rural regions of central Russia. The level of legal consciousness and legal culture of population, nomadism, customary law made actual the necessity of creating the courts of conciliation. The conclusion is made that due to some objective reasons, these unformalized courts on North-East territories moved judicial proceeding closer to population and promoting the legal education.
Key words North East, legal consciousness, courts of conciliation, Selsovet, judicial system
Article information
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Full articlePublic Self-Regulating Courts in the Russian North-East Territories in the Early 20th Century