Article name Paradoxes of Interpretation of History in the Space of On–Screen Communication (on the Material of the Films and Serials about the Great Patriotic War)
Authors Il’chenko S.N.Doctor of Philology
Bibliographic description Il’chenko S. N. Paradoxes of Interpretation of History in the Space of On–Screen Communication (on the Material of the Films and Serials about the Great Patriotic War) // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 4. PP. 207–215.
UDK 778.
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes interpretation of the premises of “the Great Patriotic War” in Russian on-screen products which have appeared lately. The basis of an extensive empirical material for the study of the stated problems were more than a dozen feature films and television series, which were produced in 2014–2016. This period was characterized by intensification of the mass consciousness of society with historical themes associated with the celebration of the anniversary of the victory. This fact predetermined the scientific relevance of the study. Based on the comparative analysis, we postulate aesthetic, conceptual and communicative characteristics of each of the pieces of research, i. e. individual films. The scientific novelty of this material is presented by various units of the empirical base of the research with a common theme and a common chronology connected in the structure of a single article. Comparison in the article is made on two vectors: vertical and horizontal. In the first case, the learning process is based on the attempt to identify connotations with the traditions of military-patriotic themes, characteristic of the national cinema of the Soviet period. In the second case, horizontal comparison allows us to identify synonymous approaches to the interpretation of the events of the Great Patriotic War (real and imagined) that form appropriate concepts and ideologies in the mass consciousness of movie ‒ and television audience. This approach allows us to identify inadequacy of the interpretation of a number of circumstances related to the timeline of historical events, stories, personalities that characterize the period in the study in cinematographic and television content. The author comes to the conclusion about the conflicting variety of interpretations of the prevailing views on military theme. One of the main reasons for such a state is postulated as ignoring the factual truth of historical events that are the context for recreated fictional and real war stories on the screen.
Key words Great Patriotic War, mythology, historical events, cinema, television, reliability
Article information
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Full articleParadoxes of Interpretation of History in the Space of On–Screen Communication (on the Material of the Films and Serials about the Great Patriotic War)