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Article name | Economic Development of Western Transbaikalia in View of the Historical Concept of Modernization (Monograph “Economy in the Regional ‘Interior’ Western Transbaikalia in the Modernization Process 1880s-1930s”) |
Authors | Mertsalov V.I.Doctor of History, Professor |
Bibliographic description | Mertsalov V. I. Economic Development of Western Transbaikalia in View of the Historical Concept of Modernization (Monograph “Economy in the Regional ‘Interior’ Western Transbaikalia in the Modernization Process 1880s-1930s”) // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 4. PP. 222–226. |
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UDK | 94(41/99)(571.55) |
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Annotation | The review presents the analysis of the multi-author book by Ulan-Ude and Moscow historians “Economy in the regional ‘interior’: Western Transbaikalia as part of modernization process of 1880s–1930s” which is devoted to solving one of the complex problems of modern historical science, i. e. the process of changing the country’s industrialization type. Data concerning the city industry and the economic development of Western Transbaikalia at the turn of the 20th century provide no evidence of any preconditions for independent transition of the region into a large-scale industrial revolution. It started with the railway construction carried out by the government in view of the specific geopolitical position of the region. The increasing role of this factor stipulated its entry into the industrial era. The industrial development of Western Transbaikalia in the New Economic Policy (NEP) period is given a detailed and all-round study. The research results in the conclusion about the absence of any prospects of the NEP for forced industrialization of the region in the context of the imminent threat of world war. The last chapter reveals the complicated process of industrialization involving drastic changes in traditional Russian peasants’ and buryats’ farming, acute shortage of labor force and skilled industry personnel, emergence of new labor discipline. The study reveals the controlling mechanism and methods of solving complicated problems of Western Transbaikalia industrialization resulting in prominent achievements and covers its consequences and contradictions that at the level of the country led eventually to the collapse of the Soviet power.The book presents an in-depth study and contributes noticeably to reconstructing the historic past of Russia from the early 19th century till the 1930s. |
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Full article | Economic Development of Western Transbaikalia in View of the Historical Concept of Modernization (Monograph “Economy in the Regional ‘Interior’ Western Transbaikalia in the Modernization Process 1880s-1930s”) |