Article name Symbolic Signs of Concepts Луна and Mond
Authors Zakharova T.V.Senior Lecturer
Bibliographic description Zakharova T. V. Symbolic signs of concepts луна and Mond // Humanitarian Vector. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. PP. 73–79.
UDK 81
Article type
Annotation Concepts have difficult structure consisting of various groups of signs, which differ in relevance and rate: motivating, conceptual, figurative, symbolic signs. Symbolic signs exist not in all concepts, but only in the concepts connected with mythological, religious or folklore worldview. Concepts луна and Mond as space concepts belong to the basic concepts making the base of national conceptual system. These concepts appear in common forms of language – phrases, phraseological units, proverbs, sayings and riddles, they are significant for carriers of the Russian and German culture. In this article the author considers features of objectifying of symbolic signs of concepts луна and Mond in the Russian and German linguistic worldview. To achieve the goal, the author uses the method of conceptual analysis, linguoculturological analysis, comparative and quantitative methods. Based on examples from fiction and also from dictionaries of symbols, the author analyzes conceptual metaphors, characteristic of verbalization of symbolic signs of the compared concepts. The most common among the symbolic signs of the concepts луна and Mond in the Russian and German conceptual systems are signs of ‘god’ and ‘symbol of death’. The analysis leads to the conclusion about the frequency and relevance of certain symbolic signs for the respective conceptual systems, about universal and culturally-specific ideas of the studied concepts.
Key words concept, conceptual system, linguistic worldview, symbol, луна (the Moon)
Article information
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Full articleSymbolic Signs of Concepts Луна and Mond