Article name Self-projecting Civil Identity in the Light of New Anthropology
Authors Gorbunova Y.A.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Zabara L.I.Candidate of Philosophy, Professor
Bibliographic description Gorbunova Yu. A., Zabara L. I. Self-projecting Civil Identity in the Light of New Anthropology // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 6–14.
UDK 172.1
Article type
Annotation The paper analyzes the process of civil identity acquisition in the situation of growing conflictogenity of international, inter-ethnic and inter-confessional relations and the controversial process of civil society formation in contemporary Russia. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the research are based on the principles of new anthropology developed by such scholars as B. V. Markov, A. A. Popov, S. A. Smirnov, G. L. Tulchinsky, S. S. Khoruzhy and others. These principles include the focus on the study of anthropological dynamics and anthropological trends; the assumption of the ability of projecting and self-projecting identity; the search for new ways to describe and assess anthropological practices of identity acquisition. The paper introduces the concept of “anthropological practices of personal identity acquisition” and offers a typology of anthropological practices in the system of “conflictogenity – nonconflictogenity”. Conflictogenity practices of civil escapism and practices of reduction, when viewed from the point of view of radicalization of the state and national or ethnic components in the structure of civil identity, generate conflicts of identities and, turning into anthropological trends, considerably hinder their constructive resolution. An anthropological alternative is self-projecting, which is a nonconflictogenity anthropological practice that returns the person their identity. The authors argue the necessity of the development of philosophical and anthropological as well as pedagogical and anthropological approaches to the study of civil identity as self-projecting, i. e. choice, self-constructing, self-creation and proving himself/herself as a citizen. The study accentuates the urgency of civil education to support and promote nonconflictogenity self-projecting practices. The article emphasizes the significance of civil identity self-projecting to manage conflicts of identities and develop civil society in contemporary Russia.
Key words new anthropology, anthropological practices, anthropological trends, civil identity, civil education, self-projecting, conflictogenity, nonconflictogenity
Article information
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