Article name On the Question of Using System Methods for Philosophical Analysis of the City
Authors Kasatkina S.S.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor SvetlanaCH
Bibliographic description Kasatkina S. S. On the Question of Using System Methods for Philosophical Analysis of the City // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 54–59.
UDK 141.3
Article type
Annotation Urban problems are studied in various branches of knowledge. The philosophical view of the city from the standpoint of the system method is able to compile all sorts of questions of urban space study. The existing elements of the system analysis in the social philosophy of T. Parsons, N. Luhmann, P. Sorokin, R. Merton, P. Berger and T. Luckman, R. Ackoff and others focus, as a rule, on understanding social objects of science. Nevertheless, the city is a universal phenomenon of civilization, where social development exists in relation to the spiritual, material and other structural components of space. In this article the author examines the options of the system methods of different thinkers, checks the research practices in relation to the philosophical study of the city, but eventually finds the greatest significance of A. I. Uyomov’s methodology and the methodology of his followers. The city is a system consisting of the concept, structure and substratum, where the first notion reveals the semantic side of the object by means of an interconnected set of parametric features of the city, the second – the sphere of relations (interactions) of the city entities, and the third – the diversity of the urban environment components. This system analysis of the city allows the author to explore it complexly, variatively, heuristically.
Key words system analysis, system methods of social philosophy, city as a system, concept of the city, city structure, substrate of the city
Article information
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