Article name Mechanisms of Religious Syncretism Emergence
Authors Gavrilova Y.V.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Gavrilova Yu. V. Mechanisms of Religious Syncretism Emergence // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 97–105. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-3-97-105.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-3-97-105
UDK 2-67
Article type
Annotation The process of the genesis and evolution of religions is characterized by syncretism. Syncretism affects both separate structural elements of religions and religious systems as a whole. Particular attention is paid to the study of syncretism backbone element of any religion – religious consciousness. The research aims to identify, study and explain the mechanisms of syncretism on the individual and public levels of religious consciousness. To that end, the author analyzes the features of functioning of human mind and consciousness. Identification and study of the emergence mechanisms of syncretic religions related to the activity of mind and consciousness are based on the main ideas of consciousness philosophy, the theory of the hierarchical structure of mind developed by L. M. Vekker and the updated cognitive theoretical model of religious consciousness created by W. Gervais and J. Heinrich. The analysis of social and cultural mechanisms of religious syncretism is based on the comparative approach that allows the author to explore syncretism in different types of cultures, as well as to identify common and special laws of its dissemination. The application of this methodology enables the author to reveal the mental mechanism of religious syncretism formation. Its effect consists in the representation of the features of consciousness at the time of translating the received information from “the language of images” to “the language of symbols”. Using this methodology, the author proves a significant role of the person’s subjective sensory experience in the process of religions syncretism. On the basis of these results the author concludes that the leading role in the emergence of religious syncretism is given to the mechanisms of social and cultural character but this process is not possible without presuppositions and mechanisms related to the work of the mind and human consciousness.
Key words syncretism, mechanisms, mind, consciousness, cognitive ability, mentality
Article information
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