Article name On the Question of the Written Languages Analysis in the Context of the “Language and Culture” Problem
Authors Detszidema ..Lecturer
Bibliographic description Detszidema. On the Question of the Written Languages Analysis in the Context of the “Language and Culture” Problem // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 126–131. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-3-126-131.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-3-126-131
UDK 81-26:008
Article type
Annotation The article defines the main aspects of analyzing written languages in the context of the “language and culture” problem. The need to include the questions of written languages genesis and development in a broad cultural context is connected with a range of reasons analyzed in works of Russian culturologists, philosophers and linguists. The integrating factor of the interdisciplinary paradigm of language learning is a cultural focus of linguistic research, the purpose of which is to identify systemic links between different spheres of reality (in this case between language and ethnic community, language and ideology, language and power, language and the world designated by it, etc.) in their relation not only to each other, but also to man as a cultural entity. The main directions of studying the role of written languages in the context of “language and culture” are formulated in this article: language as a means of realizing the “logic of meanings”, implementing “logocentric” functions of language, language as an agent of intercultural communication and a way of accumulating cultural experience, etc. The analysis of these aspects allows the author to conclude that a functional approach is productive for determining the role of written languages in culture, it helps to consider the cumulative (reflection, fixation, preservation of cultural information) and communicative functions of language. The identification of the language role in intercultural communication is the definition of the language specifics of cultures information interaction while the “contact ability” of cultures can be both direct and indirect, in which written languages are of great importance.
Key words language and culture, written languages, cultural paradigm, “logocentric” functions of language, intercultural communication
Article information
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Full articleOn the Question of the Written Languages Analysis in the Context of the “Language and Culture” Problem