Article name Representation of Category of Intertextuality in English Political Discourse (the Case of the Mass Media)
Authors Tibin’ko N.D.Senior Teacher
Bibliographic description Tibin’ko N. D. Representation of Category of Intertextuality in English Political Discourse (the Case of the Mass Media) // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 2. PP. 138–144.
UDK 81
Article type
Annotation This paper is devoted to the category of intertextuality in English political discourse. Intertextuality in the political discourse is aimed at the transfer of information about the outside world: this is as far as a reference to other text, it potentially involves activation of the information contained in the “external” text (the pretext). In political discourse, that discusses a famous person, facts associated with the work, personal life and achievements of the policy are particularly important. Using such intertextual inclusions as quotation, quasi-quotation and allusions causes certain associations, which the author uses to create a positive or negative image. During the analysis of intertextual inclusions, it was found that each inclusion has its role in the political discourse. Analysis has shown that journalists often combine intertextual interaction means to achieve the greatest impact on the recipient. Intexts can represent a picture of the world of native speakers. The use of intertextual inclusions increases the validity of the publication, which is very important for the political articles. The higher the degree of intext precedent, the more efficient the argument system runs, built by the author, whose ultimate goal is to convince the audience.
Key words intertextuality, quotation, quasi-quotation, allusion
Article information
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Full articleRepresentation of Category of Intertextuality in English Political Discourse (the Case of the Mass Media)