Article name The Evolution of Civil and Ethnic Identities of Moldova Ethnic Groups in the Context of Ethnic and Ethno-regional Cultural Projects Formation
Authors Pantserev K.A.Doctor of Political Science, Associate Professor
Anikin N.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Bibliographic description Paptsova A. K., Anikin N. V. The Evolution of Civil and Ethnic Identities of Moldova Ethnic Groups in the Context of Ethnic and Ethno-regional Cultural Projects Formation // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol.12, No. 1. PP. 31–36. DOI 10/21209/1996-7853-2017-12-1-31–36.
DOI 10.21209/1996–7853-2017-12-1-31-36
UDK 572.9(478)
Article type
Annotation This article is devoted to the problem of the evolution of civil and ethnic identity in the course of transformational processes in Moldova. The creation of an independent state demanded the reformatting of the system of identities based on a national cultural project. The national cultural project was to include the ethno-centric view of the world and the specific image of the past. But its formation is slow. One reason for this is that the active part of the intellectual elite has Romanian identity. Thus, the residents of the country are encouraged to take a cultural project of a neighbouring though culturally close country. In Moldova we study the history of the Romanians, not the history of the state. However, despite this, the image of the Moldovans past is different from the image of the Romanians past. The weakness of the state cultural project contributes to the growing importance of ethnic identity of Moldova ethnic groups. The ethnic and regional cultural project of the Gagauz has political resources in the form of Autonomy, which they achieved in 1994. This project is presented to the world and arouses interest. This contributes to the growing importance of ethno-regional identity of the Gagauz people. The cultural project in Transnistria maintains continuity with the project, which was formed during the entire Soviet period.
Key words civil identity, ethnic identity, ethnoregional project, Gagauzes, Moldovans
Article information
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