Article name Review of the Monograph by V. I. Blanutsy “The Deployment of Information and Communication Networks as Geographical Process (Exemplified by the Formation of the Siberian Mail Network Infrastructure)”. M.: Infra-M, 2016. 246 p.
Authors Novikov A.N.Doctor of Geography, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Novikov A. N. Review of the Monograph by V. I. Blanutsy “The Deployment of Information and Communication Networks as Geographical Process (Exemplified by the Formation of the Siberian Mail Network Infrastructure)” // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 170–173.
UDK 910.1
Article type
Annotation The monograph is the basis for a new direction in geographical science – information and network geography whose emergence is dictated by the manifestation of the information society phenomenon. The book presents the results of the first study of geographical deployment of regional information and communication networks. The author conducted a thorough historical and geographical analysis, collected and processed a huge amount of data, highlighting five generations (layers) of the deployment of information and communication networks: mail, telegraph, telephone, radio frequency and computer. As a new geographical knowledge, revealed historical and structural correlations allowed the author to present network effects as geographical deterministic structural elements. Considering the example of the Siberia postal network formation, the monograph formulates an idea about the frontier network, allowing to determine the models of network penetration into new territories, works out the algorithm of evaluating the network position of settlements, discovers the network model of spatial diffusion of innovations, identifies the network expansion effects (edge bending, uneven flow of time, formation of development traps, barriers and filters) and offers a new approach to the identification of areas. The author of the monograph not only solves specific scientific problems, he offers perspective topics to study information and communication networks for other researchers. The book may be of interest to geographers, historians and philosophers.
Key words barrier, information and communication networks, edge bending, territory development, post-office, spatial diffusion of innovations, network effects, Siberia, frontier, economic and geographical position (EGP)
Article information
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Full articleReview of the Monograph by V. I. Blanutsy “The Deployment of Information and Communication Networks as Geographical Process (Exemplified by the Formation of the Siberian Mail Network Infrastructure)”. M.: Infra-M, 2016. 246 p.