Article name Social Abundance of Higher Education: Resource of Civilization or Destructive Factor? RETRACTION
Authors Darenskiy V.Y.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.03: 130.2
Article type
Annotation The author considers the problem of social abundance of higher education in the context of World- Systems Analysis. The phenomenon of this abundance is interpreted here as a process of new civilization construction. The author also proposes the concepts of “non-pragmatic education”, which are corresponding in this case to the cultural context of human self-realization in post-economical society. Special attention in article is devoted to interpretation of the phenomenon of “post-soviet” education activity as a representation of social crisis. The higher education is considered here as a system of additional socialization and acculturation of young people, and according to this own function of high education supply the main anthropology and cultural resource of reviving of country. Moreover, this basic resource of high education is considered here as a moving factor for forming of “components of new ideational socio-cultural formation” (P. Sorokin). Beside this, the fact of non-classic situation of corresponding of cultural degradation of young people and totality of contemporary high education is considered here. Two controversial tendencies of high education are analyzed in this article. The negative tendency is consisted in simulation of human activity. The positive tendency is consisted in values of non-pragmatic education as a remedy of constructing of human personality and as a factor of reviving of country.
Key words high education, social abundance, non-pragmatic education, human resource, civilization,social crisis.
Article information
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Full articleSocial Abundance of Higher Education: Resource of Civilization or Destructive Factor? RETRACTION