Article name Syncretism as a Factor of Formation and Evolution of Social Reality
Authors Gavrilova Y.V.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 211
Article type
Annotation The author proposes to consider the phenomenon of syncretism as a factor contributing to the formation and development of certain spheres of social life. It’s necessary to study syncretism as an independent phenomenon, through the identification of the causes of its origin, structural features and mechanisms of influence on social reality. The role of syncretization processes in various spheres of society is emphasized in the article. The article proves the effectiveness of this approach. Syncretism in its development has gone through several stages: from the indivisibility of certain elements of social phenomena and processes in the primitive communal era, through the disorganized, artificial unity of diverse elements to their well-structured integration unity. Investigating the development stages of syncretism, the author makes an attempt to identify the specific characteristics essential to syncretism at each stage. It is noted that syncretism can manifest itself not only in culture and religion, but also affect almost all spheres of society. . One of the most important features of syncretism is its functioning as a process that leads to transformation, the death of one and the formation of other new systems. At the same time syncretism appears as a result of this process. Identification and study of the causes of manifestation of syncretism in various spheres of social life is necessary for a full understanding of the structural features of syncretic systems, capability to predict their transformations, further evolution and prevention of negative impacts on an individual and social group.
Key words syncretism, factor, social reality, functions, social services, syncretization processes
Article information
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Full articleSyncretism as a Factor of Formation and Evolution of Social Reality