Article name Official and Carnival – Two Types of Holiday
Authors Subbotina N.D.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor dialectica@yandex. ru
Bibliographic description
UDK 101.1:316
Article type
Annotation The article notes that the holiday is a phenomenon based on the suggestion. The essence of the festival is self-preservation group. The article shows that group man needed two holidays, or two sides of the festive action – strictly formal and cheerful carnival. Official holidays the aim to show the unity of the group, carnival to separate strangers by demonstrating the “wrong” behavior. Author explains carnival laughter that laughing people enjoyed by unity of the group, and also derided what is potentially dangerous for the group. Obviously doing wrong, participants use their laughter to show that they misunderstood and thus even more maintained correct behavior. Improper behavior was allowed, but strictly limited. In the carnival celebrations, permission to break the rules was a brief time, in the case of the holy fools and jesters there was a reduction in the number of peoples that are allowed to behave in a similar way. It is noted that component carnival celebration has now become a stable part of the holiday as a whole, but its secondary role is emphasized by the fact that its place is always given right after the official holiday.
Key words holiday,an official holiday, group suggestion, carnival, “Fools’ Day”, jesters, self-preservation
Article information
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