Article name “Space in Culture”: Informational Development Level of Geographical Objects according to Google Data − Panoramio
Authors Sokolova A.A.Doctor of Geography
Bibliographic description
UDK 911.3
Article type
Annotation The development of the humanistic approach to geographical sciences contributed to the emergence of the geographical information science. This discipline studies “space in culture”, which includes both practical and informational development of regions, as well as a representation of regional systems and structures in the information space (info-sphere).The level of informational development is defined by relative and absolute indicators (quantity, diversity, a degree of systematization of spatial data). A new source for geographic information science is photo hosting associated with geographic information systems (Google, “Marshruty.Ru”, “Yandex.Karty”, etc.). The article researches the informational development of the territory of Russia by users of the photohosting Panoramio who share photos taken in their area of residence and also during short or long-distance trips. Links to the photos (tags) form groups with different configurations on a geo-image which can be studied by means of the cartography method. The tag density defines the level of an area visualization which depends on the concentration of photographed objects and quantity of photographs taken of each object. The visualization of the territory of Russia matches socio-economic indices, data regarding the development of the Internet, as well as the level of tourism and recreational development of an area. High and medium levels of visualization are recorded in the European part of the country (Central, Northwestern and the Volga Regions), in some parts of the Caucasus, in the Altai and on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Regions of Siberia are notable for a highly irregular distribution of points where photographs have been taken. Elements of hydrographic network, the main frame of settlement, cult structures and objects are ubiquitously photographed throughout all territories. Big cities serve as the core of the informational development. A low level of visualization is recorded in areas close to administrative borders and the state border outside of border crossing points.
Key words geographical information science, informational development, photo hosting, geo-image, level of area visualization
Article information
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Full article“Space in Culture”: Informational Development Level of Geographical Objects according to Google Data − Panoramio