Article name Conceptual Approaches to the Human Development Study in Science History
Authors Murashova M.A.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 364.2
Article type
Annotation The article outlines the main conceptual approaches to the human development study in the science history. The definitions of the concepts “human capital”, “human resources” by various research scientists are provided. It is noted that in the present conditions the human potential is one of the main resources of socio-economic development of society. As the current policy of developed countries is focused on the development of education, culture, health, etc., in the areas of life which are more influenced by human development, disclosure of its potential, importance of assessing the level of human development and the degree of development is highlighted. The structural components of human development are identified, and it is concluded that human potential assessment can be achieved by assessing its structural components. The following techniques of human potential evaluation through the evaluation of quality of life are considered: assessment of life quality using the GDP and GNP, system of national accounts, human development index. Russia’s place in the ranking of countries, being formed on the basis of the Human Development Index, proposed by United Nations Development Program, is defined. The criteria of evaluation of the life quality of Russian researchers are considered. Advantages and disadvantages of the above techniques of life quality are given.
Key words human capital, human potential, human potential structure, human potential evaluation, life quality
Article information
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Full articleConceptual Approaches to the Human Development Study in Science History