Article name The Concept of Life Quality in the Works of Post-Industrialism Representatives
Authors Tomskih M.S.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 330.342(063)
Article type
Annotation One of the most popular concepts, describing the future of civilization, is post-industrialism. The creators of the various concepts consider the life quality as of great importance. The issues of life quality were objectively defined with social and economic development of the United States, the United States presidents’ orders to develop the concept. It was the time where the transition from the goods quality, the quality of person to the life quality was made. Achieving of proper life quality is possible, according to the authors of the concept, only in the post-industrial society. Scientific development of the life quality firstly was launched in the theories of post-industrialism (J. Galbraith, D. Bell, E. Toffler, U. Rostow and others). In the development of society, J. Galbraith highlights the stage of life quality, which is characterized by increasing role of intelligent technologies, education. The article describes the main lines of research of life quality in the scientists’ work: the definition of life quality, the role of economic development, the emergence of new social structure, the formation of new social group – group of intellectuals, the development of services, the emergence of new sectors of production. Special attention is paid to the indicators for assessing the life quality. The indicators for the estimation of the social sphere were developed by D. Bell in “The system of social accounts”. The definitions of the life quality in the concept of post-industrialism are analyzed.
Key words life quality, education, post-industrialism, services, life quality indicators
Article information
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