Article name Autobiographical Narration from the Viewpoint of Personal Belongings
Authors Akhmetova G.D.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 801.73
Article type
Annotation The goal of this article consists in analyzing the autobiographical narration of the novel The estate inventory of a lonely man by S. Esin. One of the compositional peculiarities of the novel is the adjustment of several viewpoints; these are the point of view of an adult narrator, who is the writer at the same time, the point of view of a child, and the viewpoint of some things, which surround the writer. The main task of our research consists in analyzing some compositional and linguistic attributes, which are typical for the autobiographical narration and which compose the text. Therefore, the philosophical maxims are typical for the autobiographical narration. The autobiographical narration is based in many ways on comparisons and metaphorical living definitions. This does not refer to their amount at that, but to their internal imagery, which reflects the living life of the past and gone days. Among the belongings, which are presented in the novel, there are documents, letters, household articles, furniture, toys, etc., i. e. the things that surround everyone. Each of these things keeps traces and myths of the spent life, which could be observed only by their owner. Thus, the autobiographical narration exceeds in some way the limits of the genre of the novel. The characterizations of the belongings are introduced in different ways. However, the author joins life and literature together, and thus he achieves the literariness of his narration, which is based on documentalism. Mental space, which is based on the appealing to the scriptural subjects serves here as an integrating factor. As a result, we have an original complicated autobiographical narration, which reflects the life of the epoch of a man and surrounded things. From the compositional and linguistic point of view, this novel follows the traditions of the writer’s personal style and the Russian literature. But these traditions are renewed, and they concern the further development of the theory of plot and genre.
Key words autobiographical narration, linguistic space, mental space, living life of the surrounded things, plot, genre
Article information
References Esin S. N. Opis’ imushchestva odinokogo cheloveka. M.: Eksmo, 2014. 384 s.
Full articleAutobiographical Narration from the Viewpoint of Personal Belongings