Article name The Parameters of Self-Presentation in the English-Language Scientific Internet-Mediated Discourse
Authors Gukos’yants O.Y.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 811
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the problem of self-presentation in the English-language scientific Internet-mediated discourse as a special scientific method of speech activity organization. According to the author, this type of discourse is different from other types of discourse by its aim, participants, values, genres, etc. and consists of cognitive, linguistic and political components. The scientific network discourse is a modern type of discourse that is an informal scientific communication. The analysis of some peculiarities of scientific blogs and the proof of an expressed presentation of the gender identity in the English-language scientific blogs existing in the modern Internet space have been among the aims of the article. Some examples of the English language scientific blogs were reanalyzed in detail, as well as the presence of gender markers in them. The author has concluded that the Internet-mediated scientific discourse in general is characterized by the frequent use of passive constructions, adjectives in superlative degree, modal verbs. Findings suggest that it is inadvisable to speak about a full levelling of gender peculiarities of speech in the framework of the scientific blog. During the analysis, it has been revealed that male authors aim at creating the solidary relations between a blogger and his audience, attracting new readers by the use of certain linguistic means. Almost absolute absence of the elements of colloquial style, more correct use of tenses, high level of egocentricity, use of interrogative sentences for dialogization of speech and involvement of readers are among the peculiarities of female blogs.
Key words self-presentation, scientific discourse, Internet, gender marker, genre, blog, blogger
Article information
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