Article name The “Sylgy/Horse” Concept in the Yakut Linguistic Consciousness: Verbal Associative Network
Authors Vasil’eva A.P.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 81’23
Article type
Annotation The article focuses on the research of linguistic consciousness based on the analysis of associative verbal network of the Yakut language native speakers. Associative thesaurus allows us to explore systemacy of linguistic consciousness. Cultural identity of linguistic consciousness of the people reveals the processes occurring in the depths of the language. Since the linguistic consciousness is based on the way of ethnic group being in the world, it is extremely interesting to study the linguistic representation of basic cultural concepts on a material of different languages in the process of intercultural communication. The significant role played by the image of a horse in the traditional culture of the Yakuts reveals the deeper meaning of the tradition of horse breeding and characteristics of the material and spiritual culture of the people.In this paper, we attempt to identify and describe the conceptual signs of forming the structure of the concept “sylgy/horse” in the Yakut linguistic consciousness. During the analysis, we defined nine semantic zones based on “semantic gestalt” method by Yu. N. Karaulov, and the associations of denotative and cultural types. The analysis showed that the associations of cultural type are represented to be the most interesting, since they help for identification of the deep ties between the word-stimulus and generalized cultural meanings that are kept in the consciousness of speakers. The underlying conceptual layer according to the association experiment was the understanding of the concept “sylgy / horse” as a sacred animal of the Sakha people.
Key words linguistic consciousness, verbal associative network, associative dictionary, gestalt, conceptual features, “sylgy/horse” concept
Article information
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Full articleThe “Sylgy/Horse” Concept in the Yakut Linguistic Consciousness: Verbal Associative Network