Article name The Question of the Conceptual Structure and the Concepts’ Classification
Authors Paschenko M.A.Candidate of Philology
Bibliographic description
UDK 81.11
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the problem of conceptual structure and the axiological component in it. The author also pays attention to the concepts’ classification. The author suggests that availability of the axiological component depends on the type of a referent and degree of the concept’s development. Analysis of different approaches to the problem permits to reveal this dependence. The author proposes, as one of the ways, the concept’s classification based on the referential principle, when the name is connected with the object of the real world (the referent). The referential principle is also proposed for classification of religious concepts. Based on this principle, the author supposes that some types of concepts can form the axiological component on the early stage of their development. In author’s opinion, concepts which are developed from names of religious objects and phenomena have this feature. Concepts from the Gospel texts involved in Russian religious concept system are chosen as samples for analysis and classification.
Key words concept, referent, axiological component, evaluation, values, religious, Christian
Article information
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Full articleThe Question of the Conceptual Structure and the Concepts’ Classification