Article name Traditional and Specific Principles of Genre System Formation in Universal Journalism
Authors Shestyorkina L.P.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Bulaeva M.N.Lecturer
Bibliographic description
UDK 070
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the formation of system of genres in universal journalism. Materials of universal journalism, which is a special kind of professional activity, are created on the basis of integration of mass media that have been split before and aimed to be spread by different communicating channels (television, radio, printed and Internet press) united by networking services, software products and multimedia services. It makes possible to present the main content by means of various technological platforms of the Internet (text, audio, video, photo, graphics, info graphics, and animation) and create an interactive information user-material communication. The article deals with the specific genre forming characteristics such as multimedia, hypertextuality and interactivity, their influence upon the traditional genre forming characteristics transformation. Therefore, the scientific novelty of the research is found in creating of the system of genres in universal journalism, which is taken as the whole of four genre groups based on various technological platforms of the Internet (text based, video, audio and illustrative genres).
Key words universal journalism, genre, genre forming characteristics, media platform, multimedia, hypertextuality, interactivity, system of genres in universal journalism
Article information
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Full articleTraditional and Specific Principles of Genre System Formation in Universal Journalism