Article name Introduction to Philosophical and Religious Studies of the Tibetan Lamrim Text “Easy Path (Myur-lam)”
Authors Loschenkov A.V.Assistant Researcher
Bibliographic description
UDK 294.3
Article type
Annotation This article describes the characteristics of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition Lamrim and its specificity using an example of the Tibetan text “Easy Path” (“Myur-lam”). The author of the text is Panchen Lama Losang Yeshe. The author of the article has studied philosophical and religious foundations of the gradual path to Enlightenment and methods of “acceleration” in the gradual way. Although the direct source of the texts of the gradual path was “Lamp” by Atisha, which was compiled for Tibetans after his arrival in Tibet, the origin of the Tibetan tradition of the gradual path is Buddha Shakyamuni. Atisha’s invitation to Tibet was caused by the need to address the historical incompleteness distortions of an integrated system of the Buddha’s teachings, as well as by misunderstanding in consistency teachings and practices of Sutrayana and Vajrayana. His “Lamp” is a short text, in which Buddha Dharma is summarized as a coherent system of Mahayana practice consisting of three stages. To substantiate the authenticity and integrity of Atisha’s teachings, transmission lines received and combined by him have been considered. Next, the Eight Great Lamrim texts written in Tibet and the comments are enumerated. The text of “Easy Path” that is characterized in the article contains some instructions relating to the “naked commentary”. It incorporates both the best previous positions of Lamrim, and essential instructions transmitted by oral tradition. In addition, it demonstrates the integration of Sutrayana and Vajrayana, revealing how to use all the Buddha’s teachings to promote the same person practicing the spiritual path.
Key words Lamrim, gradual path, Easy path, meditation, Sutrayana, Vajrayana
Article information
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Full articleIntroduction to Philosophical and Religious Studies of the Tibetan Lamrim Text “Easy Path (Myur-lam)”