Article name District Schools of Eastern Siberia in the XIXth century
Authors Mamkina I.N.Doctor of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 94(470)16/18
Article type
Annotation Process of the organization and activity of district schools of Eastern Siberia is presented in the article on the basis of archival documents and the legislation of the Russian Empire in the XIX century. Legal status of schools, the principles of their organization and activity, their place in the educational system of the Russian Empire are defined on the basis of legislation. By identifying the impact of political events of 1825 on activity of educational institutions, the author investigates changes of the principles of district schools organization and activity. The article presents the actual material on Irkutsk, Kirensky, Krasnoyarsk, Achinsk, Yenisei, Verkhneudinsk, Nizhneudinsk, Nerchinsk, Troitskosavsk and Yakut district schools. Information about the management system of higher education is provided. Types of financing of district schools are studied; attention to the role of the public in development of national education is paid. Information about the facilities, the terms of schools activity are provided. Statistical data on changes of number of the pupils proving positive dynamics and a demand for the schools in the period of their existence are given. Information about pedagogical collectives, level of their vocational training, biographic data of a number of teachers are presented. Matriculation and training terms in schools are considered, the organization of educational process, information about training programs and quality of education are submitted. Factors that influence the development of education, are revealed, the role of district schools in the development of education of Eastern Siberia is defined.
Key words history, national education, educational institutions, educational system, type of educational institution, management, district school, students, teachers
Article information
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Full articleDistrict Schools of Eastern Siberia in the XIXth century